
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beet Green & Potato Frittata

So I've not had much luck in the past with beet greens. They've always been rather bitter and unappetizing. But now, I've discovered an awesome way to use them that passed every taste test!

I got a couple of bunches of smaller beets from the Farmers' Market today, and the leaves were so fresh and tender, not a dog-eared leaf in sight, that the thought of tossing them on the compost just seemed all wrong. I removed the thicker ribs and chopped them finely, along with some baby potatoes and garlic. I mixed them together with salt and pepper and put them in a small oven-proof dish with grated Emmental cheese and butter, then beat a Farmers Market fresh egg along with some half and half and poured the custard over the top. Baked in a 375 oven for 45 minutes and the result was totally delicious and outstanding. No hint of bitterness - it could easily have been tender chard.

I did another version without the egg and more cheese and it was tasty, but the egg version wins hands-down.



  1. With egg. Definitely. This looks really great.

  2. Thanks for commenting! I love that it uses a previously troublesome ingredient and was awfully easy to prepare. Simple things are often the best!

  3. awesome post, I'm not really a fan of greens but when I read this it made me think of other alternative ways to cooking greens, awesome, and everything does taste better with cheese.

  4. I like beet and potato and this recipe is best for health . I will try to make it and i hope it will be delicious.
