Behind the Apron

Fiber of 28 Cooks is hosting a Behind the Apron round-up, where food bloggers are invited to show their faces and tell a little about themselves. So here's a self-portrait using my Mac's photo booth camera.

I grew up in Abingdon, just outside Oxford (England) and now live in Marin, just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. I have a BA in English & American Literature from the University of Kent in Canterbury (England). Hubby and I have been married for 10 years and have 2 beautiful children.
My original step onto the blogging scene was BookCarousel, where I review exceptional children's picture books. Being the bookish type, I went to the library and took out all their books on "blogging". One book, Blog
Albion Cooks is the perfect creative outlet for me as it incorporates many of my favorite things: food, cooking, writing, researching, photography...and cookbooks, books on food, books on photographing food etc. That said, I do have a "mission" for the blog (yep...I'm really that geeky), which is to inspire others to enjoy healthful and fabulous-tasting vegetarian food with the emphasis on abundance rather than deprivation.
So enough about me! I hope you'll consider participating in the Behind the Apron round-up too!
This is great! And you look fabulous! Thanks for this post, and all of the rest of them. Your recipes and photos are so inspirational.
- Diann
Thanks for joining the roundup! What a great picture!
It's nice to read your background and blogging story. I enjoy seeing what you are cooking regularly and being inspired.
Very fun. I love reading your blog and loved seeing you and hearing more about your background.
Lovely to discover a little bit more about you Catherine!
nice to see you! thanks for share about you!
Very fun! It is, indeed, great to place a face to a vo-, um, the "voice". What's the history of Albion?
Hi good looking!:))
I already have my face in my blog,so I don't need this tag!
We used to live in Dover and often visited Canterbury.Beautiful city with great looking Church!Loved it.
thanks for your lovely comments. alanna - I did a new post to answer your question!
Catherine, you are a natural beauty. I loved to read about you and your interests. We share a lot of the same passions. I love to cook, write, research... and it is definitely a goal of mine to improve my photography. I think you have succeeded in your mission. You inspire me almost daily to enjoy healthy vegetarian food... no lack here... lots of fantastic ideas... especially about pizza! LOL!
Melissa -thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm! It means a lot!
I think blogger wouldn't let me comment here the other day.
Love this picture of you and all about you. It is great fun to know how we got hooked into this blogging thing.
Hi Tanna,
I'm having problems commenting on my blog too! I think its the whole blogger conversion thing. Thanks for coming back and commenting.
You have a great site - thanks for sharing!
Great picture and great blog (s)! Thanks!
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